File #: 16-196    Version: 1 Name: Curb Ramp Upgrades (2015-16) - AWARD (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/16/2016 Final action: 5/16/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Rosas Brothers Construction for the Curb Ramp Upgrades (2015-16) Project, Project No. 2016.0071; authorization for the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to 10% of the Original Contract Amount; and authorization for the City Manager to negotiate and approve cumulative change orders up to 25% of the original contract amount
Attachments: 1. bid summary-Curb Ramps
Related files: 16-197
Staff Report for a Resolution to Award a Construction Contract to Rosas Brothers Construction for the Curb Ramp Upgrades (2015-16) Project, Project No. 2016.0071; authorization for the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to 10% of the Original Contract Amount; and authorization for the City Manager to negotiate and approve cumulative change orders up to 25% of the original contract amount


The subject project will install new concrete curb ramps and upgrade existing curb ramps to the current standards at street intersections scheduled to receive pavement work.

Staff recommends awarding the construction contract to Rosas Brothers Construction in the amount of $928,600.00 for the subject project; authorizing individual change orders up to 10% of the original contract ($92,860.00), and authorizing a total change order amount up to 25% of the original contract ($232,150.00).


The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandates construction of curb ramps at street intersections when roadway pavement is replaced, overlaid, or treated with a cape seal. This contract will install ramps at locations scheduled for pavement work as part of Annual Street Sealing 2015-16 and Annual Overlay / Rehabilitation 2015-16 projects. New ramps will be installed at locations where none exist and existing non-compliant ramps will be upgraded.

Curb ramps are a vital component of the pedestrian travel way. Ramps allow people in wheelchairs to safely cross the street and make our sidewalks accessible to everyone regardless of physical ability. Each ramp includes a panel of raised domes to warn the seeing impaired of a street crossing.


Bids were opened on April 21, 2016. Two (2) bids were received for $928,600.00 and $1,285,102.00. The pre-bid engineer's estimate for construction was $835,000.00. Rosas Brothers Construction was determined by staff to be the lowest re...

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