File #: 16-255    Version: 1 Name: Sanitary Sewer Point Repair 2012-13 CCO Cap (SR)
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Appropriating $313,388.84 of Water Pollution Control Enterprise Funds Including Approval of an Increase in the Contract Change Order Cap from 40% to 60% ($445,724.00 to $668,586.00, an increase of $222,862.00) for a Construction Contract with Con-Quest Contractors, Inc. for the Sanitary Sewer Line Replacement/Repair 2012-13 Project, Project No. 2013.0120
Related files: 16-256
Staff Report for a Resolution Appropriating $313,388.84 of Water Pollution Control Enterprise Funds Including Approval of an Increase in the Contract Change Order Cap from 40% to 60% ($445,724.00 to $668,586.00, an increase of $222,862.00) for a Construction Contract with Con-Quest Contractors, Inc. for the Sanitary Sewer Line Replacement/Repair 2012-13 Project, Project No. 2013.0120


Staff recommends the approval of an appropriation of $313,388.84 of Water Pollution Control Enterprise Funds as follows:

* $222,862.00 associated with an increase in the change order cap from 40% to 60% (from $445,724.00 to $668,586.00) of the original construction contract amount of $1,114,310.00
* $90,626.84 for increased costs for construction administration, such as City staff time, permit costs, materials testing and surveying

Staff has reviewed past practices that occurred during the subject project and will implement improved procedures to reduce the potential of high change order percentages for future projects.


The City of San Leandro owns and operates approximately 125 miles of sanitary sewer pipeline and periodically issues a contract for repair work on these lines. The Sanitary Sewer Line Replacement/Repair 2012-13 Project was advertised on February 26, 2015, and the contract was awarded to Con-Quest Contractors, Inc. on April 20, 2015. Construction began in August 2015, is still underway as of July 2016 and Final Acceptance is anticipated in September 2016.

This project for maintenance of deteriorated sanitary sewer facilities repairs pipes and manholes at ninety-three locations throughout the City. The work includes traffic control, excavation, replacement of defective underground facilities, reconnection of sewer laterals affected by the repairs, trench backfill and compaction, and surface restoration. The project scope also includes storm drain repair at a few locations, since th...

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