File #: 12-316    Version: 1 Name: FY2012-13 Contractual Services Agreement with BAHBA
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/2/2012 Final action: 7/2/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Approving a FY 2012-13 Contractual Services Agreement with Bay Area Homebuyer Agency to Administer the City Homebuyer Programs
Attachments: 1. FY12-13 BAHBA CSA
Related files: 12-317
Staff Report for Resolution Approving a FY 2012-13 Contractual Services Agreement with Bay Area Homebuyer Agency to Administer the City Homebuyer Programs


The City outsourced, under the Redevelopment Agency, the administration of its homebuyer programs: the First Time Homebuyer (FTHB) and the Inclusionary Housing/Below Market Rate Ownership (IH/BMR) Programs. The IH/BMR Program is a component of the City’s Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance. Bay Area Homebuyer Agency (BAHBA) is a nonprofit agency with extensive regional experience in administering public first time homebuyer and inclusionary/below market rate ownership housing programs.

Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving a contractual services agreement with Bay Area Homebuyer Agency (BAHBA) for $33,065 to continue administering the FTHB and IH/BMR Programs in FY 2012-13.


Due to increased demand and inquiries in recent years regarding the City’s FTHB and IH/BMR Programs, and limited City/Agency staffing capacity, the RDA began outsourcing the administration of the City’s homebuyer programs to BAHBA in FY 2007-08. Outsourcing to BAHBA has helped to better integrate, administratively streamline, and market the comprehensive homebuyer services under both programs.

BAHBA was created in 2000 as a nonprofit joint powers authority. Its members include Contra Costa County, Alameda County, and nine cities within the two counties. BAHBA’s primary mission is to promote homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income households in the nine county Bay Area region. BAHBA contracts with First Home, Inc. (FHI), a for profit entity that serves as BAHBA’s administrative arm to manage operations and contracts. BAHBA administers the homebuyer/below market rate ownership programs for cities and jurisdictions including Hayward, Antioch, Alameda, South San Francisco, and Brisbane.

BAHBA also has an extensive network of partners and...

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