File #: 13-516    Version: Name: Parcel Map 9875 for 500 Davis Street
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/3/2014 Final action: 3/3/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Parcel Map 9875 for 500 Davis Street; Assessor's Parcel Numbers 075-0036-059-00 and 075-0036-0060-00; Owner, Subdivider, and Applicant: Creekside Plaza Partners LLC
Attachments: 1. PLANNER REPORT PM 9875
Related files: 13-514
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Parcel Map 9875 for 500 Davis Street; Assessor's Parcel Numbers 075-0036-059-00 and 075-0036-0060-00; Owner, Subdivider, and Applicant: Creekside Plaza Partners LLC


Staff recommends adoption of a resolution approving Parcel Map 9875.


The subject property is located at 500 Davis Street and consists of 4 parcels; A, B, C and D as shown in Parcel Map 7758 and is owned by Creekside Partners, LLC. The property currently includes the Creekside Business Plaza, which is comprised of three multi-story office buildings and a shared parking garage. The north end of the property is bound by the San Leandro Creek which provides shared creekside space and public access. The applicant proposes to convert the office building on Parcel A into a non-residential condominium in order to sell a tenant the space they are currently leasing. The building is zoned as general office use and will remain as such.


The subject parcel is approximately 0.77 acres and is located on Davis Street between Carpentier Street and San Leandro Boulevard to the east and west, respectively and Parcel D to the north. On May 13, 2012, the property owner received a Zoning Permit from the Zoning Enforcement Official to proceed with a Parcel Map to create 3 individual ownership units from the existing four-story office building that comprises 83,319 square feet.

City Planner's Review: The City Planner has examined the Parcel Map in relation to existing zoning, proposed size and location of lots, requirements of the General Plan, applicable Specific Plans and like considerations per the attached City Planner's report.

City Engineer's Findings: The City Engineer has examined Parcel Map 9875 and found that it complies with California State law and local ordinances and is satisfied that Parcel Map 9875 is technically correct.

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