RESOLUTION of the City of San Leandro City Council to Authorize the City Manager to Execute Amendment No. 2 to a Contractual Services Agreement with MV Transportation, Inc. for Paratransit Transportation Services to Extend the Term of Service to September 30, 2018 and to Increase the Amount of Compensation by $60,000 for a Total Not to Exceed Amount of $468,380 (provides for shuttle services for the Flex Shuttle Program using Measures B and BB funds in Account No. 150-36-001-5640)
WHEREAS, an Agreement dated November 1, 2016 exists between the City of San Leandro and MV Transportation, Inc.; and
WHEREAS, the City Council supports the shuttle program and allows these services to be available for the disabled, 60-years or older, or East Bay Paratransit certified; and
WHEREAS, the City supports the mobility of seniors and the disabled; and
WHEREAS, the City receives funding for these services through the Alameda County voter-approved Measures B and BB; and
WHEREAS, the Parties wish to amend the Agreement to extend the Term of Services to September 30, 2018, and to increase the not to exceed amount by $60,000, for a total not to exceed amount of $468,380; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends approval of said amendments to the agreement.
NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
That said amendments are hereby approved and execution by the City Manager is hereby authorized.