File #: 14-302    Version: 1 Name: SR: Floresta Gardens PD Modification for Gates
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/21/2014 Final action: 7/21/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for PLN2014-00006; Modification of Planned Development, PD-77-11, to Permit the Installation of a Pedestrian Gate, an Automatic Vehicular Access Gate and Related Fencing to Secure the Floresta Gardens Homeowners Association Residential Condominium Community on Caliente Drive off of the Washington Avenue Frontage; RM3000 (PD) Residential Multi-Family, Planned Development Overlay District; Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Number 77B-1139-89; R&S Overhead Garage Door Inc. (Applicant), Floresta Gardens Homeowners Association, K. Williams (HOA President)
Attachments: 1. Applicants Supporting Statement.pdf, 2. Vicinity Map.pdf, 3. Excerpts Planning Commission Minutes 5-15-2014.pdf, 4. Letter from HOA President, May 14 with Supporting Letters.pdf, 5. Exhibit A Floresta Gardens Aerial Photograph.pdf, 6. Exhibit B Google Street View along Washington Avenue Frontage.pdf, 7. Exhibit C Site Plan and Elevations.pdf, 8. Exhibit D Proposed location photograph.pdf, 9. Exhibit E Existing Gates at Fremont Avenue Photograph.pdf, 10. Exhibit F Finials for top of gates and fences.pdf, 11. Exhibit G Arched top of gates and twisted know on bars.pdf, 12. Exhibit H Excerpts from PC Report for PD-77-11 Jan 26 1978.pdf, 13. Exhibit I Gated Communities References Websites.pdf, 14. Exhibit J Council Resolution PLN2014-00006 Denying PD Modif Floresta Garden Gates.pdf, 15. Supplement 4C Public Hearing 2014 0721.pdf, 16. PowerPoint 4C Public Hearing 2014 0721 Floresta Garden.pdf
Related files: 14-303
Staff Report for PLN2014-00006; Modification of Planned Development, PD-77-11, to Permit the Installation of a Pedestrian Gate, an Automatic Vehicular Access Gate and Related Fencing to Secure the Floresta Gardens Homeowners Association Residential Condominium Community on Caliente Drive off of the Washington Avenue Frontage; RM3000 (PD) Residential Multi-Family, Planned Development Overlay District; Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Number 77B-1139-89; R&S Overhead Garage Door Inc. (Applicant), Floresta Gardens Homeowners Association, K. Williams (HOA President)


At its May 15, 2014 meeting, the Planning Commission heard the Floresta Gardens Homeowners Association (HOA) proposal to install vehicular and pedestrian gates and fencing across Caliente Drive (paralleling Washington Avenue), which would thereby create a gated residential community. The existing approved Planned Development permit allowed for the establishment of a residential condominium community with a gate restricting vehicular access at the rear entrance to the community on Fremont Avenue only. Restrictive fencing along the Washington Avenue frontage was not a part of the original proposal. Staff determined that the proposal is a major modification of the Planned Development (PD) permit, and so the proposal requires a review and recommendation from the Planning Commission to the City Council, and approval by the City Council.

Staff recommended that the Planning Commission review the proposed modifications to the PD for the new gates and related fencing and deny the application due to its inconsistency with the General Plan. However, after the Planning Commission reviewed the proposal, heard public comments, and closed the public hearing, it instead made the necessary findings of fact and recommended that the City Council approve the proposed modification to the PD due to safety concerns related to cut-through traffic. The motion passed 5-0 (2...

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