File #: 12-107    Version: 1 Name: CC/SLUSD Liaison Committee Highlights - 2/2/12
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/5/2012 Final action: 3/5/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee Meeting Highlights of February 2, 2012
Attachments: 1. 2 2 2012 City & SLUSD Liaison Committee Agenda, 2. SLUSD Solar Measure M Presentation, 3. 2 2 2012 City & SLUSD Liaison Committee Meeting Sign in Sheets
City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee Meeting Highlights of February 2, 2012

Committee Members: Council Member Pauline Cutter, Vice Mayor Michael Gregory, Board Member Michael Katz-Lacabe, Board President Morgan Mack-Rose, Board Member Diana Prola

Absent: Mayor Stephen Cassidy

City Staff Present: City Manager Chris Zapata, Deputy City Manager Jacqui Diaz, Public Works Director Michael Bakaldin, Recreation and Human Services Director Carolyn Knudtson, Police Sergeant Bob Sanchez, Police Officer Louie Brandt, Police Officer Troy Young, Administrative Specialist Mary Foster

SLUSD Staff Present: Superintendent Cindy Cathey, Assistant Superintendent Song Chin-Bendib, Maintenance Manager Greg Dyer, Communications Outreach Specialist Robin Michel, Director of Measure B Mike Murphy

Public: Dale Gregory, Tim Holmes, Kiyoshi Ito

The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m.

Vice Mayor Gregory introduced the City’s new City Manager, Chris Zapata. Mr. Zapata expressed his gratitude to be at the meeting and to meet the District representatives.

1. Discussion Regarding Photovoltaic Panels

Superintendent Cathey began by announcing that the SLUSD Board approved the Measure M photovoltaic/solar panel design for the San Leandro High School (SLHS) Swim Center and Parking Lot, and the SLUSD Pacific Sports Complex and Burrell Field. Assistant Superintendent Chin-Bendib gave a PowerPoint presentation (attached) on the subject. A discussion ensued regarding the project, i.e., potential vandalism of the panels, site placement of the panels and impact on the project. Vice Mayor Gregory commented that the installation of the panels will expand the possibility for potential green jobs in the East Bay “Green Corridor” and hopefully this project will leverage for more Bond monies for the District in the future. He also thanked the District staff for the presentation.

2. Discussion Regarding Text-A-Tip

Sergeant Troy Young gave a short overvi...

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