File #: 16-433    Version: 1 Name: PC Reso 16-006 Zoning Map Amendments
Type: Planning Commission Resolution Status: Passed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 8/25/2016 Final action: 8/25/2016
Enactment date: 8/25/2016 Enactment #: Reso 2016-006 PC
Title: RESOLUTION 2016-006, of the Planning Commission, Recommending that the City Council Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map to Bring Certain Properties in the City into Conformance with the 2035 General Plan
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A: Segment 1 Zoning Map, 2. Exhibit B: Segment 2 Zoning Map, 3. Exhibit C: Segment 3 Zoning Map, 4. Exhibit D: Segment 4 Zoning Map, 5. Exhibit E: Segment 5 Zoning Map, 6. Exhibit F: Segment 6 Zoning Map
Related files: 16-412
RESOLUTION 2016-006, of the Planning Commission, Recommending that the City Council Adopt an Ordinance Amending the Zoning Map to Bring Certain Properties in the City into Conformance with the 2035 General Plan

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is considering a new General Plan, the 2035 General Plan, which states that "the San Leandro General Plan aspires to update its zoning regulations and zoning map to ensure consistency with the updated General Plan Map and Land Use categories. Furthermore, to comply with State General Plan Guidelines, the City has updated its General Plan to ensure that it remains relevant and reflects local physical and demographic patterns"; and

WHEREAS, the 2035 General Plan would establish a new designation of Industrial Transition (IT) in the Land Use Chapter and Land Use Map, corresponding to "areas that have historically have been industrial but have transitioned or may transition in the future to a more diverse mix of uses, including general commercial activities"; and

WHEREAS, the following 2035 General Plan goals and policies would be implemented with the creation of the IT Industrial Transition zoning district: Policy 3.11 Conversion of Non-Residential Land; Goal LU-7 Sustain dynamic innovation districts; Policy LU-7.2 Adaptive Re-Use; Policy LU-7.3 Zoning Flexibility; Action LU-7.3.A. Zoning Review; Policy LU-7.9 Business Amenities; Policy LU-7.12 Alvarado from Marina to Thornton; Policy LU-8.12 Marina Boulevard; Policy LU-10.1 Zoning; Policy LU-10.3 Buffering; Action LU-10.3.C. Warehouse Conversion; Policy ED-1.3 Industrial Land Use Efficiency; Policy ED-2.3 Development Review and Permitting; Policy ED-3.1 Innovation Ecosystem; Policy ED-3.2 Business Infrastructure; Policy ED-3.3 Leading Edge Economic Sectors; Policy ED-3.5 Sustainable Manufactures; and Policy ED-4.7 Employee-Serving Retail; and

WHEREAS, the 2035 General Plan includes the land use designations of Dow...

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