File #: 12-307    Version: 1 Name: Resolution Calling November 2012 Election
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/18/2012 Final action: 6/18/2012
Enactment date: 6/18/2012 Enactment #: Reso 2012-070
Title: ADOPT: Resolution Providing for the Holding of the General Municipal Election for the Election of Three City Councilmembers; Providing Notice of Election on the 6th Day of November, 2012, and Directing that Said Notice be Given; and Requesting that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors Permit the Consolidation of Said Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election to be Held on November 6, 2012 (provides for the conduct of the November 2012 General Municipal Election for Council Districts 2, 4 and 6, at an estimated cost of $110,000 from General Fund)
Related files: 12-309, 12-308, 12-305
ADOPT: Resolution Providing for the Holding of the General Municipal Election for the Election of Three City Councilmembers; Providing Notice of Election on the 6th Day of November, 2012, and Directing that Said Notice be Given; and Requesting that the Alameda County Board of Supervisors Permit the Consolidation of Said Municipal Election with the Statewide General Election to be Held on November 6, 2012 (provides for the conduct of the November 2012 General Municipal Election for Council Districts 2, 4 and 6, at an estimated cost of $110,000 from General Fund)

The City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:

Section 1. Pursuant to the Charter of the City of San Leandro and Title 1, Chapter 11 of the San Leandro Municipal Code, a General Municipal Election is hereby called to be held in the City of San Leandro on Tuesday, November 6, 2012, for the purpose of electing three City Councilmembers for the term of four years each. The City Councilmembers shall be nominated from Council Districts 2, 4, and 6.

Section 2. Notice of the time and place of holding said election is hereby given and the City Clerk of the City of San Leandro is hereby directed to publish, post and give such further additional notice of said election as prescribed by the Elections Code of the State of California.

Section 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California, the City Council of the City of San Leandro hereby requests that the General Municipal Election of the City of San Leandro be held on November 6, 2012, be consolidated with the Statewide General Election to be held in the City of San Leandro on said date, and further requests the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda to make its order of consolidation and thereafter call said consolidated election, and to direct the Alameda County Registrar of Voters to provide all necessary services related to said election and to bill the City for the cost of cond...

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