File #: 16-234    Version: 1 Name: Budget Amendment FY 2016-17
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/16/2016 Final action: 5/16/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Amendments to the City of San Leandro General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17
Attachments: 1. PowerPoint
Related files: 16-235, 16-030


Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Amendments to the City of San Leandro General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-17





Staff recommends that the City Council review and approve amendments to the 2016-17 General Fund Budget.




The City Council approves annual budgets based on the best revenue and expenditure information available several months prior to the actual adoption of budget appropriations.  As a result, budget adjustments are periodically necessary for changes that arise and require additional budget appropriations or re-appropriations between budget line items and fund reserves. The City Council originally approved the 2016-17 Budget on June 1, 2015. 




During the January 30, 2016 City Council Winter Planning Session and in subsequent Council meetings, the Council determined 6 key items to focus on in the new fiscal year 2016-17 general fund, not originally considered during the biennial budget process.  They are as follows:


Child care at Marea Alta                     $  800,000

Traffic calming efforts                     250,000

Multilingual outreach                     50,000

Disaster and Emergency preparedness                     100,000

Code Enforcement/Community Compliance                     50,000

Quality of Life such as Shoreline Improvements                     1,000,000

Total General Fund Considerations                     $2,250,000


Fiscal Impact


The total change in the projected ending fund balance for the General Fund in 2016-17 amounts to a decrease of $2,250,000 for the above items and Staff is requesting approval to appropriate general fund unassigned fund balance of $2,250,000.






PREPARED BY:  David Baum, Finance Director, Finance Department