File #: 14-313    Version: 1 Name: Legal Service Agreement
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/21/2014 Final action: 7/21/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Authorizing a Legal Services Agreement with Bertrand, Fox and Elliot for General Liability Claims Litigation
Related files: 14-314
Staff Report for Resolution Authorizing a Legal Services Agreement with Bertrand, Fox and Elliot for General Liability Claims Litigation
Staff and the City Attorney request that the City Council consider and approve a legal services agreement with Bertrand, Fox and Elliot for general liability claims litigation.
The City of San Leandro entered into a Legal Services Agreement with Bertrand, Fox and Elliot on June 25, 2013, to provide legal representation in the case of Mengel et al. v. City of San Leandro.
Once the Mengel et al litigation was completed, two more claims were filed against the City.  The City Attorney and Risk Management requested that Bertrand, Fox and Elliot handle these claims in collaboration with the City Attorney's office and Risk Management.  In order to accommodate current needs for general tort litigation legal services and future cases, staff requests that a new legal services agreement be considered and approved by the City Council.  
Fiscal Impacts
For Fiscal Years 2014-15 and 2015-16, the not-to-exceed amount for legal services is $100,000 budgeted in the Self Insurance Fund for General Liability claims.  
Budget Authority
Funds have been appropriated by the City Council in the Fiscal Year 2014-15 budget 689-19-004, and staff will request appropriation during the forthcoming biennial budget process for 2015-16 and 2016-17.
Attachment to Resolution
  • Legal Services Agreement
PREPARED BY:  David Baum, Finance Director