File #: 13-243    Version: 1 Name: 2013 Community Investment Program
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/6/2013 Final action: 5/6/2013
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Community Investment Program-Budget Recommendation
Community Investment Program-Budget Recommendation

This memorandum is to provide a recommendation to the current two year budget that will be approved in June.


As the City Council has worked to balance its budget, several areas of community need have risen or been identified through the budget process. These include: social service needs, neighborhood needs and business investment.

Social service funding, which comes primarily from the federal government's Community Development Block Grant and HOME programs, has seen significant cuts over the past ten years. Local funding over the past five years has dropped drastically as well. Adding to the challenge of steep funding drops, local non-profits have indicated increased service demands.

Neighborhoods have also been negatively impacted by the rough economy. Maintenance, preservation, enhancement and activities are in need of attention to maintain and enhance livability.

As San Leandro's business climate improves it is necessary to invest in programs that are strategic and provide balance for businesses that are here and those we would like to attract.


San Leandro as a community has seen the City Council provide funding to assist the San Leandro School District in the acquisition of the Girls Inc. Building as well as a potential partnership with Alameda County to stabilize the San Leandro Hospital. These investments have been made based on community need. While it is impossible to meet all community needs, the City can leverage existing resources by creating a Community Investment Program that leverages other non-city funds and volunteers. This would have the effect of strengthening our long-standing partnerships with non-profits, business and neighborhoods.


The following recommendation is submitted for Council consideration and aligns with City Council goals related to quality of life.

Over the next two years i...

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