File #: 16-623    Version: 1 Name: Staff Report for Citywide Communications Update
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 11/21/2016 Final action: 11/21/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Citywide Communications Update
Staff Report for Citywide Communications Update


The City Manager recommends that the City Council review this update of existing citywide communications efforts and provide feedback and direction to staff on strategies to enhance and complement existing strategies.

One of the City Council's adopted citywide goals is to "Support and implement programs, activities and strengthen communication that enhances the quality of life and wellness, celebrates the arts and diversity and promotes civic pride." In order to help achieve this goal, City staff implemented various communications-related initiatives designed to substantively broaden the depth and breadth of internal and external communications.

At the December 21, 2015 City Council meeting, staff presented a report that included an inventory of various communications platforms and efforts that were already in place at that time. In addition, staff presented recommendations for various new initiatives and strategies designed to expand the city's outreach efforts, which the City Council directed staff to implement. Those new efforts included:

* Expansion of citywide social media use;
* Launching of a Public Information Team (PIT Crew);
* Expansion of multi-lingual communications & outreach;
* Reinstatement of a quarterly community newsletter (San Leandro CONNECT); and
* Exploration of new and emerging communications platforms.

This report is designed to provide a progress report to the City Council on the above strategies and initiatives and related efforts. City staff also requests feedback from the City Council regarding their perceptions of the effectiveness of these efforts. To the extent the City Council would like to see any modification of these efforts, staff requests appropriate direction.

Citywide communication is an important ongoing priority for the City Council and City Departments. Since January of 2015, the City Council and City ...

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