File #: 12-312    Version: Name: Motion Approving LOI to SLUSD for purchase of 13666 East 14th St.
Type: Minute Order - Council Status: Held in Council
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Final action: 7/16/2012
Enactment date: 7/16/2012 Enactment #:
Title: MOTION: Motion Approving Letter of Intent (LOI) from City of San Leandro to San Leandro Unified School District for City Loan to Finance District Purchase of Property in the City of San Leandro; and Directing the City Manager to Commence Negotiations of the LOI’s Terms and Intentions with the San Leandro Unified School District (proposes a loan to SLUSD of $1.5 million from General Fund Reserves)
Related files: 12-311
MOTION:  Motion Approving Letter of Intent (LOI) from City of San Leandro to San Leandro Unified School District for City Loan to Finance District Purchase of Property in the City of San Leandro; and Directing the City Manager to Commence Negotiations of the LOI's Terms and Intentions with the San Leandro Unified School District (proposes a loan to SLUSD of $1.5 million from General Fund Reserves)