File #: 12-225    Version: 1 Name: Standard Telecom Agreement R
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 7/16/2012 Final action: 7/16/2012
Enactment date: 7/16/2012 Enactment #: Reso 2012-084
Title: ADOPT: Resolution Approving a Standard Agreement and Rate Schedule for the Installation and Use of Telecommunications Facilities on City Property (establishes a standard agreement and rates the City will charge telecoms for the use of City property)
Attachments: 1. Final Draft Standard Telecom Agreement.pdf, 2. Master Fee Schedule.pdf
Related files: 12-224
Resolution Approving a Standard Agreement and Rate Schedule for the Installation and Use of Telecommunications Facilities on City Property
      WHEREAS, the City is periodically approached by telecommunications companies that are interested in using City property as a location for telecommunications facilities; and
      WHEREAS, upon this request, the City is usually asked to negotiate and sign individual telecommunications agreements; and
      WHEREAS, in order to reduce costs and streamline this process, the City desires to adopt a standard telecommunications agreement for the installation and use of telecommunications facilities on City property; and
      WHEREAS, the City also desires to adopt a standard rate charged to telecommunications companies, which is attached to the telecommunications agreement.   
      NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
1.      The recitals above are hereby true and correct and incorporated herein.  
2.      The City Council hereby approves of the standard telecommunications agreement attached hereto, including the attached rate schedule, subject to the approval of said agreement as to form by the City Attorney.