ADOPT: Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Loan Agreement and Promissory Note by and Between the City of San Leandro and the San Leandro Unified School District to Assist the District with Its Purchase of the Girls, Inc. Property Located at 13666 East 14th Street (provides a $1,250,000 loan from the City's General Fund reserves to allow the District to augment its programs and facilities, including medical and dental clinics to serve District students and the community)
WHEREAS, a draft agreement between the City of San Leandro and the San Leandro Unified School District has been presented to this City Council; and
WHEREAS, the City Council is familiar with the contents thereof; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended approval of said agreement.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:
1. That it is within the public interest and serves the general health and welfare of the City of San Leandro to loan the San Leandro Unified School District monies for the District to purchase property to develop facilities that will augment the school district's educational programs, and open community serving medical and dental clinics; and
2. That said agreement substantially in the form presented is hereby approved and execution by the City Manager is hereby authorized; and
3. That the City Manager is authorized to make non-substantial revisions to said agreement, subject to the approval of the City Attorney; and
4. That an original executed agreement shall be attached to and made a part of this resolution.