File #: 15-089    Version: 1 Name: Resolution to Approve an Employment Agreement with Mr. Chris Zapata for the position of City Manager
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/17/2015 Final action: 2/17/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a New Agreement with Mr. Chris Zapata for Employment of City Manager
Related files: 15-088
Staff Report for a Resolution Approving a New Agreement with Mr. Chris Zapata for Employment of City Manager


At the direction of the City Council, the City Attorney proceeded to complete negotiations of a draft agreement for the continued employment of Mr. Chris Zapata as the City Manager. The parties agreed to use the current contract, which was executed on January 17, 2012, as the template for the new agreement. Therefore, provided below are only the terms that are materially different from the first agreement:

1. Effective Date and Term: January 30, 2015 to January 30, 2020

2. Provision and Use of City equipment to carry out City Manager's duties and functions: The City will provide City Manager, at City's cost and expense and City Manager's sole discretion to use or accept, any and all equipment, including communication devices such as a smartphone and tablet computer, and a vehicle including gasoline and insurance coverage, reasonably necessary for the City Manager to carry out his duties.

3. The City Manager must provide the City Council with 180 days written notice before terminating the agreement.

4. Effective January 30, 2012 and each year thereafter, the City Manager's annual base salary will be adjusted by the CPI, starting with his current annual base salary of $223,000.

5. The City Council acknowledges in the agreement that since January 1, 2013, the City Manager committed to voluntarily contribute $20,000 of his annual base salary to pay $10,000 each to the Police Chief and the Assistant City Manager for the remainder of the terms of their employment agreements, which both terminate on December 31, 2017. This created an Effective Base Salary that is paid to the City Manager that is different from his Annual Base Salary, which is adjusted according to the CPI. The City Council agreed that should the employment of either or both of the persons who occupy those positions termin...

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