File #: 15-361    Version: 1 Name: Staff Report for Amendment of Legal Services with Meyers Nave
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/15/2015 Final action: 6/15/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Amendment of Legal Services Agreement with Meyers Nave
Related files: 15-362
Staff Report for Amendment of Legal Services Agreement with Meyers Nave


Staff requests that the City Council consider Meyers Nave's request for an Amendment and one-year extension of its Agreement to provide legal services for the City of San Leandro, commencing on July 1, 2014 and concluding on June 30, 2015.


The City of San Leandro entered into a Professional Services Agreement with Steven R. Meyers in 1986, to provide contract legal services to the City and its agencies, and to perform the functions, duties and responsibilities of the City Attorney, as set forth in the City's Charter. In 2000, Amendment No. 1 assigned the Professional Services Agreement to Meyers Nave, a professional corporation. Amendment No. 2 and Amendment No. 3 were approved in 2005 and 2008, respectively. The above contracts were structured such that a fixed monthly retainer was provided to Meyers Nave in exchange for the firm's legal services.

In February 2013, the City of San Leandro contracted with Municipal Resource Group, LLC ("MRG") to complete an analysis of the City's legal services agreement framework. As part of this analysis, MRG completed an extensive review of the costs associated with the agreement, as well as a benchmark survey of nine other jurisdictions in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, including the cities of Alameda, Berkeley, Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Pleasanton, Union City, Pittsburg, and Richmond.

Based upon the results of this analysis, the City Council ultimately negotiated a new agreement with Meyers Nave that eliminated the flat retainer structure, which was replaced by a fee-for-service arrangement. Based upon the MRG analysis, this structure was designed to simplify the administration of the contract and ultimately reduce the City's costs. This analysis subsequently was presented to the City Council for consideration on February 19, 2013.

On May 20, 2013, the City Co...

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