File #: 12-121    Version: 1 Name: BART-Downtown Ped Improv - P&S, Call for Bids, Appropr - MEM
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/4/2012 Final action: 9/4/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for Resolution Approving the Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids on the BART-Downtown Pedestrian Interface Project, Federal Aid Project No. CML-5041(036), City Project No. 11-150-38-331, Along San Leandro Boulevard
Related files: 12-393
Staff Report for Resolution Approving the Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids on the BART-Downtown Pedestrian Interface Project, Federal Aid Project No. CML-5041(036), City Project No. 11-150-38-331, Along San Leandro Boulevard


Staff recommends approval of the plans and specifications and calling for bids on the subject project.


In September 2007, the City of San Leandro adopted the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Strategy. The streetscape improvements constitute one of the first items to be implemented as part of the TOD strategy.

The TOD Strategy serves as a guide to improving transit connectivity, multi-modal circulation, and land use planning in downtown San Leandro. Also included in the planned strategy is extensive rezoning in the area along the downtown East 14th Street corridor, including the area immediately adjacent to the Downtown BART Station. Implementation of the TOD Strategy became a reality when the first multi-family urban housing project was approved in the immediate BART area. This project created an urgent need to develop a design for San Leandro Boulevard (SLB) that could accommodate local pedestrians and bicyclists who access the BART Station for train and bus connections.

In July 2010, the City Council authorized the City Manager to submit an application for a Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) grant for improvements along SLB in front of the BART Station. TLC grants fund projects that provide for a range of transportation choices, support connectivity between transportation investments and land uses, and are developed through an inclusive community planning effort. This grant was subsequently awarded to the City and is the primary source of funding for this project.


This project provides for pedestrian-friendly improvements in front of the San Leandro BART Station along SLB between Davis Street and Williams Street. The planned improvement...

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