File #: 12-131    Version: Name: Ordinance Adopting Zoning Code Amendments re: Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation, Entertainment Activities
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 4/2/2012 Final action: 4/2/2012
Enactment date: 4/2/2012 Enactment #: Ordinance 2012-004
Title: Ordinance No. 2012-004, an Ordinance Amending Provisions of the San Leandro Zoning Code Relating to Miscellaneous Changes to the IL, IG, IP Zoning Districts and Creation of IL (AU), IG (AU), and IP (AU) Zoning Districts Related to Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities
Attachments: 1. Ordinance Attachment A - Commercial Recreation Zoning Code Excerpt Amended 2
Related files: 12-125
Ordinance No. 2012-004, an Ordinance Amending Provisions of the San Leandro Zoning Code Relating to Miscellaneous Changes to the IL, IG, IP Zoning Districts and Creation of IL (AU), IG (AU), and IP (AU) Zoning Districts Related to Assembly Uses, Commercial Recreation and Entertainment Activities

WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro solicited and received extensive community input related to evaluating various commercial districts along East 14th Street to identify and distinguish between core retail activity and areas that could include residential uses. These efforts included the North Area Plan (early 1990’s), the East 14th Street South Area Development Strategy (2002-2004), and the Downtown Transit-Oriented Development Strategy (2005-2007); and

WHEREAS, Assembly Uses are Conditionally Permitted uses in Residential Districts and some, but not all, Commercial Districts. Commercial Districts that conditionally permit residential uses may also consider Assembly Uses; and

WHEREAS, the 1999-2002 General Plan Update represented an extensive community engagement process with a 52-member General Plan Advisory Committee that advised the Planning Commission and City Council on the General Plan Update. As part of the process, the core values of the industrial districts as a major industrial, technology and office employment center were established; and

WHEREAS, General Plan Goal 7: Industrial and Office Districts states: Continue to develop a strong and healthy industrial and office employment base in the community; Policy 7.03 of the General Plan states: TECH-SECTOR RECRUITMENT: Attract and retain technology (“high tech”) companies by improving technology infrastructure, targeting such companies through marketing, supporting incubator and start up firms, and maintaining development regulations which facilitate the adaptive reuse of older industrial buildings; and Policy 10.4 states: INDUSTRIAL SANCTUARY: Protect the City’s major industrial areas from enc...

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