File #: 16-192    Version: 1 Name: Accept Public Improvements SL Blvd at Polar Way - SR
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/16/2016 Final action: 5/16/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the Public Improvements on San Leandro Boulevard and Polar Way
Attachments: 1. Completed Pictures SL Blvd and Polar Way, 2. Agmt 2014 Chill Build LLC
Related files: 16-193
Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the Public Improvements on San Leandro Boulevard and Polar Way


This public improvement included construction of a traffic signal system at the intersection of San Leandro Boulevard and Polar Way, improved driveway access over the existing Union Pacific Railroad tracks and installation of fiber optic conduit and concrete sidewalk along the facility's frontage.

Staff recommends the acceptance of the work by Chill Build, LLC, filing of the Notice of Completion, authorizing the City Manager to release the performance and payment bonds, and upon completion to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the one-year maintenance period, to release the Maintenance Bond for the subject project.


As part of the entitlements for the construction of the Preferred Freezer facility at 400 Polar Way, the City required Chill Build, LLC (Chill Build) to mitigate the impacts of the new facility and make improvements to the proposed facility's frontage. Based on these requirements, Chill Build and the City entered into a public improvement agreement, which permitted Chill Build to comply with the project's impact mitigation measures.

Chill Build's public improvements to mitigate the impact of Preferred Freezer's facilities included the installation of a traffic signal system at the intersection of Polar Way and San Leandro Boulevard. Subsequent to installation, the City required interconnection of this traffic system with the City's traffic system network using its fiber network and coordination with the closest existing signal at Marina Boulevard. The improvements also reconfigured and realigned the raised medians at the subject intersection and created a left turn lane that delivery trucks now utilize upon exiting or entering the facility. Additionally, the improvements included the widening of Polar Way, which is the driveway access over the existing ...

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