Adopt a Resolution to Authorize the City Manager to Install No Stopping Any Time Signs on the West Side of E. 14th Street Between Bayfair Drive and the City's Southern Border
* Public Safety
* Housing and Homelessness
* Infrastructure
Public Works recommends installing NO STOPPING ANY TIME signs on the west side of E. 14th Street between Bayfair Drive and the City's southern border to eliminate vehicle parking in this location.
Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to Install NO STOPPING ANY TIME signs on the west side of E. 14th Street between Bayfair Drive and the City's southern border.
The segment of E. 14th Street between Bayfair Drive and the City's southern border currently allows on-street vehicle parking. However, there are no active uses in the immediate vicinity of this street segment and vehicle parking is not necessary. The City has received complaints about parking in this location and associated blight, sight distance safety issues, and path of travel obstructions along the sidewalk that violate the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The segment of E. 14th Street between Bayfair Drive and the City's southern border is under Caltrans' jurisdiction. California Vehicle Code Section 22506 requires that the City Council pass a resolution regarding any parking or stopping restrictions on roadways within State right-of-way.
The installation of NO STOPPING ANY TIME signs on the west side of E. 14th Street between Bayfair Drive and the City's southern border is recommended to reduce issues with vehicle parking at this location.
Applicable General Plan Policies
The proposed action would advance General Plan Policy LU-8.10, which calls for transforming the area around the Bayfair BART station into a dynamic new transit-oriented development area by reducing blight conditions in the vicinity as well as Policies T-3.6, T-3.7, and T-7.6, which encourage improvin...
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