File #: 12-432    Version: 2 Name: CD Highlights July 17, 2012
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 9/4/2012 Final action: 9/4/2012
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: ACCEPT: Community Development Committee Meeting Highlights of July 17, 2012
Attachments: 1. 7-17-12CDD.pdf, 2. Green Corridor Summary CD Committee 7-17-12.pdf, 3. Summary of Chicken-Bee Policies in Alameda County.pdf, 4. Broadband Incentive Program CD 6-19-12.pdf, 5. Sign-In 7-17-12.pdf
ACCEPT: Community Development Committee Meeting Highlights of July 17, 2012



July 17, 2012
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

San Leandro City Hall
835 East 14th Street
San Leandro, California
Sister Cities Gallery


Committee members: Vice Mayor Gregory and Council Member Reed

City staff present: City Manager Zapata, Police Chief Spagnoli, Community Development Director Sims, City Attorney Pio Roda, Business Development Manager Battenberg, Housing and Planning Director Liao, Officer Sobek, Business Development Analyst Kay, Senior Planner Barros, Community Compliance Officer Herrera, Secretary Gonzalez

Public present: Carla Din (East Bay Green Corridor), Chris Crow, Mia Ousley, Anastasia Abate, Kristine Konrad

The meeting was called to order at 4:46 p.m.

1. Presentation by East Bay Green Corridor of Goals and Accomplishments

Carla Din, Executive Director of the Green Corridor, presented the partnership’s mission and principles which include strengthening the regional green and clean economy with an emphasis on sustainability. The focus is on creating an environment which promotes the East Bay cities to innovative start-ups, specifically spin-offs from the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and UC Berkeley. She highlighted the activities and accomplishments of the Green Corridor including partnerships, streamlined regional solar permitting, marketing and events, regional grant applications, and letters of support for member agencies. Business promotions include: an e-newsletter, website, referral network of “feeder groups”, marketing of opportunity sites, private-public partnerships and events. Policy development includes standardizing Solar Energy Permitting Process and receiving State designation as an iHub.

Committee discussion included San Leandro’s contribution to the establishment of the regional streamlined solar permitting process and clarification regarding how the Gree...

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