File #: 16-033    Version: 1 Name: Climatec Agreement
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/16/2016 Final action: 5/16/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Staff Report to Hold a Public Hearing Pursuant to California Government Code Section 4217.12 to Adopt Certain Findings and Approve an Installation Agreement and a Measurement and Verification Agreement with Climatec, LLC for Energy and Water Savings Projects with Related Improvements to City Facilities (The total cost is $5,270,455 with funding subject to Municipal Lease, and $206,986 over 15 years, respectively.)
Attachments: 1. Attachment A - Installation Agreement with Attachments, 2. Attachment B - Measurement and Verification Agreement, 3. Attachment C - Projects Breakdown, 4. Attachment D - Environmental Benefits, 5. ATTACHMENT E - Estimated Cost Benefit Analysis, 6. PowerPoint
Staff Report to Hold a Public Hearing Pursuant to California Government Code Section 4217.12 to Adopt Certain Findings and Approve an Installation Agreement and a Measurement and Verification Agreement with Climatec, LLC for Energy and Water Savings Projects with Related Improvements to City Facilities (The total cost is $5,270,455 with funding subject to Municipal Lease, and $206,986 over 15 years, respectively.)


Staff recommends that, in accordance with California Government Code section 4217.12, the City Council adopt certain findings and authorize the City Manager to enter into an Installation Agreement and a Measurement and Verification Agreement with Climatec, LLC to implement energy and water efficiency projects and related improvements to various City facilities. The total cost for the Installation Agreement is $5,270,455, with funding subject to a municipal lease. The total cost of the Measurement and Verification Agreement is $206,986, spread over 15 years. Projected cost savings resulting from the improvements are estimated to offset the costs of the Agreements and yield a net positive fiscal impact of $1,173,065 over 15 years.


In February 2007 the City Council adopted a goal to reduce carbon emissions to 25% below 2005 levels by 2020. In December 2009, the Council adopted the San Leandro Climate Action Plan; however implementation was delayed due to staffing and budget constraints. Since 2010, extensive energy upgrades at various municipal facilities were implemented with federal stimulus funds (Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant), as well as other federal, state, city, and other resources. This work included the installation of Building Management Systems (BMS) at major City facilities; conversion of approximately 14% of City high-pressure sodium street lights to LED; interior lighting retrofits at Fire Stations #12 and #13 and to the Boys and Girls Club pool; installation o...

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