File #: 15-155    Version: 1 Name: Phillips 66 Oil Train Off-Loading Facility Expansion in San Luis Obispo County
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 3/16/2015 Final action: 3/16/2015
Enactment date: 3/16/2015 Enactment #: Reso 2015-063
Title: RESOLUTION Opposing the Phillips 66 Oil Train Off-Loading Facility Expansion in San Luis Obispo County
Related files: 15-156
RESOLUTION Opposing the Phillips 66 Oil Train Off-Loading Facility Expansion in San Luis Obispo County

WHEREAS, the oil train off-loading facility expansion, being considered by San Luis Obispo County, would increase rail traffic through densely populated areas of Alameda County, increase risks of oil spills, fires and explosions that would damage residences, businesses, and at least twenty (20) schools located in the "blast zone" along the projected route; and

WHEREAS, the current rail system is designed to connect residents to their destinations throughout the Bay Area and NOT to move large quantities of hazardous materials like crude oil through populated areas; and

WHEREAS, the diesel emissions from trains along the route would generate toxic pollutants that exceed medically advised thresholds and cause cancer, heart disease and asthma, in an area that is the third highest for childhood asthma disorders in the State of California.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of San Leandro requests that the County Board of Supervisors of San Luis Obispo County deny permits for the Phillips 66 oil train offloading facility and the denial of any construction related to this project; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager or his designee shall submit a letter to rail carriers involved in transport of crude oil, coal, and petroleum coke in California, requesting:

1. That the rail carriers make public any plans for new or expanded rail facilities or significant rail traffic volume increases;

2. That the rail carriers provide representatives to meet periodically with local citizens groups and local government officials from San Leandro to seek mutually acceptable ways to address local concerns;

3. That the rail carriers update their emergency response plans with the City of San Leandro to account for the transport of crude oil, c...

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