Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Enter into a Consulting Services Agreement with Schaaf and Wheeler for the design of Stormwater Trash Capture Devices, Project No. 2017.0540 in the Amount of $675,000; to Authorize Individual Amendments Up to 10% (or $67,500) of the Original Agreement; and to Authorize Cumulative Amendments Up to 30% (or $202,500) of the Original Agreement
* Public Safety
* Infrastructure
* Sustainability & Resiliency
Staff recommends that the City Council approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Schaaf and Wheeler Consulting Engineers for the civil engineering design of stormwater trash capture devices to meet the Trash Load Reduction Plan requirements of the Alameda County Clean Water Program.
Staff recommends the following actions:
* Authorize the City Manager to execute a Consulting Services Agreement (CSA) with Schaaf and Wheeler in the amount of $675,000.00;
* Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve individual agreement amendments up to 10% (or $67,500.00) of the original agreement amount; and
* Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve cumulative agreement amendments up to 30% (or $202,500.00) of the original agreement amount.
The San Francisco Municipal Regional Stormwater National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit CAS612008, Order No. R2-2022-0018, which became effective May 11, 2022 (referred to as MRP 3), introduced more stringent stormwater treatment and reporting requirements compared to the previous NPDES permit. One notable aspect of these new permit conditions can be found in section 'C10,' which pertains to 'Trash Load Reduction.' According to this section, permittees, primarily local agencies, are mandated to achieve either a 100% reduction from the trash load baseline of 2009 or ensure that there is no adverse impact on receivin...
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