Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Award a Construction Contract to Silman Industries in the Amount of $96,579 for the Washington Manor Park Pool Tower Repair, Project No. 2023.3400 to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Individual Change Orders Up to 10% (or $9,658) of the Original Contract Amount; and to Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Approve Cumulative Change Orders Up to 25% (or $24,144) of the Original Contract Amount
* Infrastructure
This contract will provide for the repair and rehabilitation of the water slide tower for the Washington Manor Park swimming pool.
Staff recommends the following actions:
* Award a construction contract in the amount of $96,579 to Silman Industries;
* Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve individual change orders up to 10% (or $9,658) of the original contract amount; and
* Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and approve change orders up to a cumulative amount of 25% (or $24,144) of the original contract amount.
The current Washington Manor Park swimming pool was constructed in 2005 but has been closed to public use since 2022 because of observed deterioration of the swimming pool and associated play structures. Staff started developing plans for the resurfacing of the pool and other appurtenances and identified certain facilities such as the water slide tower that will need to be repaired and rehabilitated before starting the main pool resurfacing work.
On October 18, 2023, the City opened bids for the subject project. Two (2) bids were received ranging from $96,579 to $99,019. The engineer's estimate for the project was $93,450. Staff recommends the award of the contract to Silman Industries. The bid is found to be responsive, and Staff has verified that the contractor's license is current with the Contracts State License Board, as well as their registration...
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