File #: 23-487    Version: 1 Name: First Amnd to CSA Strategic Economics Sales Tax Authorization
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 11/6/2023 Final action: 11/6/2023
Enactment date: Enactment #: 2023-151
Title: Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Strategic Economics, Inc. for Production of the Economic Development Strategy, to Authorize Examination of Sales or Transactions and Use Tax Records
Attachments: 1. A - Reso First Amnd to CSA Strategic Econ Sales Tax, 2. B - First Amnd - CSA with Strategic Economics - Sales Tax Auth
Related files: 23-421
Adopt a Resolution to Approve and Authorize the City Manager to Execute a First Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Strategic Economics, Inc. for Production of the Economic Development Strategy, to Authorize Examination of Sales or Transactions and Use Tax Records

* Community & Business Development
* COVID Recovery (ARPA Spending Plan)
* Fiscal Sustainability and Transparency


Staff recommends the City Council Adopt a Resolution to approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a First Amendment to the Consulting Services Agreement with Strategic Economics, Inc. for Production of the Economic Development Strategy, to Authorize Examination of Sales or Transactions and Use Tax Records.


On September 18, 2023, the City Council approved Resolution No. 2023-134, authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Consulting Service Agreement with Strategic Economics for Production of the Economic Development Strategy. Work has commenced on the Strategy, which should be completed over the next 12 months.
San Leandro's Economic Development Strategy will identify what initiatives can be undertaken to best drive San Leandro's local economy. Successful economic development strategies build upon the existing strengths of the local economy and highlight the unique characteristics that can differentiate a community in the region.
One of the first steps in this analysis is to assess San Leandro's existing economic conditions. To do this, the City and Strategic Economics have identified the need for the consultant to access the City's sales tax data, which they would use to evaluate San Leandro's current retail, wholesale, product, and equipment sales and identify potential opportunities for growth.
The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration requires that cities adopt a resolution to authorize their officers, employees, representatives or consultants to examine confidential sales o...

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