Motion to Reconsider Resolution No. 2023-144 in Support of Protecting the Persecuted Kuki Christians in Manipur, India
Mayor Gonz?lez filed a Notice of Suspension of the action taken at the October 16, 2023 City Council meeting to adopt Resolution No. 2023-144. In accordance with the City Charter, Resolution No. 2023-144 is submitted for possible reconsideration by the Council.
Staff recommends the City Council:
1. Vote on the Mayor's Motion to Reconsider Resolution No. 2023-144; and
2. If the Motion to Reconsider passes, staff further recommends the City Council reconsider adoption of Resolution No. 2023-144.
On October 16, 2023, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 2023-144, titled "Resolution of the City of San Leandro City Council in Support of Protecting the Persecuted Kuki Christians in Manipur, India Whose Religious and Human Rights are Being Violated."
City Charter Section 305(h) authorizes the Mayor to suspend implementation of any action taken by the Council by filing with the City Clerk, within three days after such Council action, a notice of suspension thereof. Such suspension shall constitute a motion for reconsideration of the action taken, to be voted upon by the Council at its next regular meeting.
By filing the attached Notice of Suspension, Mayor Gonz?lez has invoked City Charter Section 305(h) to reconsider adoption of Resolution No. 2023-144. Therefore, Resolution No. 2023-144 has been submitted for reconsideration by the City Council.
To reconsider this matter, the City Council must vote on the Mayor's Motion to Reconsider Resolution No. 2023-144. If the Motion to Reconsider passes, the City Council may then reconsider adoption of Resolution No. 2023-144.
Attachment A: Notice of Suspension
Attachment B: Resolution No. 2023-144 (Suspended)
Attachment C: Draft resolution for reconsideration
PREPARED BY: Kelly B. Clancy, City Clerk, City Manager's Office
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