File #: 23-630    Version: 1 Name: PLN23-0033 CUP with events and new patio at 1680 Washington Ave
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustments
Meeting Date: 2/1/2024 Final action: 2/1/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: PLN22-0033; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the continued operation of a Bar, with the addition of Entertainment Events as an accessory use (which may include televised sports and comedy/musical acts), and new outdoor patio at 1680 Washington Avenue. APN: 077-0545-055-02. Zoning District: DA-1. Applicant: James Murry. Property Owner: Jafarzadeh Mehran & Nouri Jenner, LLC.
Attachments: 1. Attachment 1 BZA Resolution 24-XXX, 2. Attachment 1 Exhibit A Project Plans, 3. Attachment 1 Exhibit B Project Statement, 4. Attachment 2 Vicinity Map
PLN22-0033; Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the continued operation of a Bar, with the addition of Entertainment Events as an accessory use (which may include televised sports and comedy/musical acts), and new outdoor patio at 1680 Washington Avenue. APN: 077-0545-055-02. Zoning District: DA-1. Applicant: James Murry. Property Owner: Jafarzadeh Mehran & Nouri Jenner, LLC.


The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the continued operation of a Bar, with the addition of Entertainment Events as an accessory use (which may include televised sports and comedy/musical acts), and new outdoor patio that would expand the legal non-conforming use located at 1680 Washington Avenue.

The Bar has operated for many years at the subject site and predates the Zoning Code's Conditional Use Permit requirement to operate a Bar in the Downtown Area 1 (DA-1) zoning district. Per Zoning Code Section 5.08.108, the requested expansion of the use outdoors requires approval of a Conditional Use Permit.

Per Zoning Code Section 2.08.224.B.14, a Conditional Use Permit is also required in the DA-1 zoning district to provide Entertainment Events, which include "televised events" and "musical [or ] comedy acts [...] performed by one or more persons" that "occur on a scheduled basis more than six days during a calendar year," and "are further defined as events advertised as a stand-alone event with a set start or end time, or where a separate admission is charged."

Staff recommends that the Board of Zoning Adjustments (BZA) adopt the attached Resolution, approving the Conditional Use Permit for the continued operation of a Bar, with the addition of Entertainment Events as an accessory use (which may include televised sports and comedy/musical acts), and new outdoor patio at 1680 Washington Avenue (PLN23-0033), based on the recommended Findings of Fact and subject to the recommended Condition...

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