File #: 24-031    Version: 1 Name: PLN22-0030 Consider an Administrative Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, and Administrative Exception (Height) to construct a new industrial building
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Adjustments
Meeting Date: 2/1/2024 Final action: 2/1/2024
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: PLN22-0030; Consideration of Administrative Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, and Administrative Exception (Height) to allow the construction and operation of a new 48-foot-tall approximately 79,840-square-foot warehouse/distribution facility on a 3.6-acre lot located at 1700 Doolittle Drive. Zoning District: Industrial General (IG); Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Number 079A-0385-002-06; W.P. Carey Inc. (applicant); Build (CA) QRS 12-24 Inc. (property owner) (Continued from May 4, 2023)
Attachments: 1. PLN22-0030 Attachment 1 Resolution 2024-XXX 02-01-24, 2. PLN22-0030 Res Exhibit A Project Plans 02-01-24, 3. PLN22-0030 Attachment 2 Vicinity Map, 4. PLN22-0030 Attachment 3 Traffic Analysis, 5. PLN22-0030 Attachment 4 VMT Evaluation, 6. PLN22-0030 Attachment 5 Noise Impact Analysis, 7. PLN22-0030 Attachment 6 AQ-GHG 12-12-22, 8. PLN22-0030 Attachment 7 Mobile Source HRA, 9. PLN22-0030 Attachment 8 General Plan Goals and Policies
PLN22-0030; Consideration of Administrative Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, and Administrative Exception (Height) to allow the construction and operation of a new 48-foot-tall approximately 79,840-square-foot warehouse/distribution facility on a 3.6-acre lot located at 1700 Doolittle Drive. Zoning District: Industrial General (IG); Alameda County Assessor's Parcel Number 079A-0385-002-06; W.P. Carey Inc. (applicant); Build (CA) QRS 12-24 Inc. (property owner) (Continued from May 4, 2023)


This item was previously noticed and scheduled for the May 4, 2023, meeting of the Board of Zoning Adjustments, but was continued to a date uncertain at the request of the applicant.

The applicant plans to construct an approximately 79,840-square-foot industrial building with approximately 12,400 square feet of office space on a mezzanine and approximately 67,440 square feet of warehouse space and 15 loading docks on a 3.6-acre site. The building would have a footprint of approximately 67,440 square feet and stand approximately 48 feet in height. There would be 86 passenger vehicle parking spaces and 10 bicycle parking spaces.

The applicant is requesting BZA approval of Administrative Site Plan Review to allow the development of the proposed industrial building, associated site improvements, and landscaping, an Administrative Exception (Height) to allow the building to be up to 48 feet in height, and a Conditional Use Permit to authorize -Warehouse - Storage Facilities and -Warehouse - Wholesale/Retail Distribution uses on site, which are conditionally permitted uses in the IG Zoning District. There is no tenant identified at this time. Pursuant to Zoning Code Section 5.06.400 and 5.12.108, the Administrative Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permit, and Administrative Exception (Height) are being processed concurrently and the BZA is the decision maker as the highest review authority of the requested entitlements.

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