File #: 24-045    Version: 1 Name: Annual Proclamation List
Type: Minute Order - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 2/20/2024 Final action: 2/20/2024
Enactment date: 2/20/2024 Enactment #: Min Order 2024-008
Title: Motion to Accept 2024 List of Recurring Annual Proclamations
Attachments: 1. A - Proposed List of Recurring Annual Mayoral Proclamations 2024
Motion to Accept 2024 List of Recurring Annual Proclamations


Staff presents for the City Council's information the attached list of recurring Mayoral Proclamations that are typically adopted during various months throughout each calendar year. In 2022 the Council adopted the first recurring list and subsequently added several proclamations to the list and throughout the years in 2022 and 2023.

Over the past year, the Mayor has presented a total of 49 Proclamations at City Council meetings. While this reflects a commitment to recognition, a closer look reveals that only 6 of these were requested by members of the public, staff, or city council members. The remaining proclamations, sourced from a predetermined list, have entailed significant staff hours to identify recipients and coordinate their attendance at council meetings.
This process has occasionally resulted in council meetings with as many as 8 proclamations, causing delays before getting to the business portion of the meeting. Considering this, the Mayor is keen to revamp the approach, aiming for approximately 1 proclamation per meeting, as listed on Attachment A.
The proposed strategy involves celebrating and recognizing groups in diverse ways. This includes delivering proclamations at special events, such as those hosted by organizations like the Boys and Girls Club. Additionally, there is a plan to personally visit departments like Recreation and Parks or the Police Dispatchers, sharing lunch or coffee with employees and creating video content in collaboration with the PIO team to post on social media and the City's community access channel.
The overarching goal is to elevate the recognition of staff, the public, and organizations in a more meaningful and impactful manner. Staff believes this approach not only optimizes staff time but also enhances the significance of each proclamation making these recognition efforts even more impactful.

If City Co...

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