File #: 16-111    Version: 1 Name: Highlights of the Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of February 2, 2016
Type: Minutes Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/2/2016 Final action: 5/2/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Highlights of the Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of February 2, 2016
Attachments: 1. AGENDA 02-02-2016.pdf, 2. SIGN IN FEB 2016.pdf, 3. Mid Cycle CIP Project Request.pdf, 4. Olidata for SL Facilities Feb 2016.pdf, 5. FEB2016 Future Agenda Items.pdf


Highlights of the Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of February 2, 2016







February 2, 2016

5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.


San Leandro City Hall

835 East 14th Street

San Leandro, California

Sister Cities Gallery




1.                      CALL TO ORDER  


The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m.


1. A.                      Attendance


Committee members present:  Mayor Pauline Cutter, Councilmember Corina Lopez, Councilmember Ursula Reed


City staff present:  Chief Innovation Officer Deborah Acosta, Community Development Director Cynthia Battenberg, Senior Traffic Engineer Reh-Lin Chen, Engineering & Transportation Director Keith Cooke, Library Director Theresa Mallon, Assistant City Manager Lianne Marshall, Public Works Director Debbie Pollart, City Engineer Nick Thom


Public present:  Alberto Colombo - Olidata Smart Cities, John Carney - Olidata Smart Cities, Greg Thompson - Olidata Smart Cities, Dave Cohen - Olidata Smart Cities, Michael Prieto - Aspen Environmental Group


1. B.                      Announcements


2.                      DISCUSSION ITEMS


2. A.                     Discussion Regarding Olidata Smart Cities - Zip Power Program


D. Acosta gave a brief introduction and progress since last October. The City in conjunction with Olidata is currently applying for a $1.5m grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) Advanced Energy Community funding program. This application is for a planning grant that would create an implementation plan for Olidata’s Smart Cities Zippower program.  Olidata will prepare an analysis with staff input that will identify new smart grid facilities as well as the City’s priorities for the Zippower program.


The CEC Grant requests solutions that will make San Leandro an Advanced Energy Community through local energy generation. This aligns with the Council goals of climate action, energy resiliency and security as well as local jobs and economic development.  Olidata’s Greg Thompson presented a PowerPoint update on the Zip Power program as well as this grant application.


2. B.                      Project Updates


K. Cooke introduced proposed CIP updates and asked for the Committee’s approval for a mid-cycle CIP budget update (for the second year of a 2-year budget to appropriate additional funds).


N. Thom presented a summary of projects currently in the FY 2016-17 budget.


Councilmember Reed initiated a discussion of funding for road repair in the current budget. 


N. Thom proposed that Council include the following projects in the FY 2016-17 budget:


                     Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program ($100k)

                     Miscellaneous Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvement Program ($50k)

                     Citywide Speed Limit Certification ($70k)

                     Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan Update ($70k)

                     MacArthur Boulevard and Superior Avenue Traffic Circle ($1,274,134)

                     Pedestrian Crossing Improvements ($380k)

                     Marina Mulford Library Design ($300k)


Mayor Cutter inquired about reducing the speed limit on Bancroft Avenue.  Councilmember Lopez noted that arterial streets must serve both vehicles and pedestrians.  She noted that residents on Superior Avenue need to be included as the MacArthur Boulevard and Superior Avenue Traffic Circle project is developed.


Mayor Cutter initiated a discussion of pedestrian improvements at Bancroft Avenue and Dowling Boulevard.  Councilmember Lopez indicated that many concerns and comments from the community will be addressed by the Pedestrian Crossing Improvements project.


Mayor Cutter confirmed that the new Marina Mulford Library will be built in the same location as the existing library.  Councilmember Reed requested that staff consider involving the Library-Historical Commission in the design of the Marina Mulford Library.

Councilmember Lopez stated her support for the Marina Mulford Library Design project.


N. Thom presented a plan for financing the proposed projects.


Mayor Cutter noted that there are new timelines for spending Measure BB funds.


Staff requested the Committee’s support for bringing these projects to the February 9th Work Session.  The Committee agreed to the request and recommends bringing the projects forward to the entire City Council.


2. C.                      Discussion Regarding Future Agenda Items


Planned for the March meeting is the draft report of the Downtown Parking Management Study and an update on the Library AV Equipment replacement (Main Library and MCC).  Staff will conduct a survey of other facilities and will provide the Committee with the findings.  An update will also be provided on the Main Library improvements, such as flooring and furniture.


The Red Light Camera update will go to Council in April.


Councilmember Reed discussed crosswalks and asked staff to evaluate the area of Bancroft and Oakes near Paradiso Restaurant for the possibility of installing a crosswalk.  She has observed pedestrians run across the street to get to establishments on Bancroft Avenue and traffic won’t slow down for them.  Councilmember Lopez agreed, saying her constituents have also brought this issue to her. 


K. Cooke said staff will do an FHWA evaluation of a crosswalk at that location and will provide feedback to the Committee.  Mayor Cutter looks forward to the results of the evaluation, suggesting that perhaps reducing speed from 30 to 25 MPH may help the issue.


3.                      PUBLIC COMMENTS 




4.                      COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS


Councilmember Reed expressed her desire to change the Committee Meeting dates to the third Tuesday of the month.  Her preference is to have it after a work session and not after a council meeting.  Councilmember Lopez asked that the fourth Tuesday be excluded as a choice.  Mayor Cutter offered Wednesday as an option and also possibly switching Committees with a member on the Finance Committee.  The Committee Members will review their calendars and will get back to staff with a definite date.


5.                     ADJOURN 


The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.