Presentation on Multi-Family Development Standards Project Introduction (SB2 Funded)
Staff and the City's consultant team will present an introduction to the Multi-Family Development Standards Project. No formal actions related to this project are agendized at this time.
The State has taken a number of actions aimed at reducing barriers to the creation of housing as California's housing supply and homelessness crisis continues. Through the "Building Homes and Jobs Act" Planning Grants Program (SB2), the State provided grant funding for the City to evaluate its General Plan and Zoning Code to develop objective design and development standards intended to stimulate high quality multi-family residential and mixed-use development. The City hired a consultant team led by Miller Planning Associates with support by Urban Field Studio and Lexington Planning to assist with this effort.
The Multi-Family Development Standards Project will establish new objective design and development standards for each Zoning District that accommodates multi-family and/or mixed-use development. Objective standards will provide property owners and developers with greater predictability and will help streamline the development review process in accordance with recent changes in state law.
A strong collaborative effort between stakeholders, community members, and decision-makers is essential to this process, which will consist of the following primary tasks:
? Task 1: Project Initiation and Site Analysis;
? Task 2: Identification of Development Constraints;
? Task 3: Stakeholder and Community Engagement (including coordination with City Departments, key stakeholder sessions, and virtual outreach tools);
? Task 4: Preparation of Objective Development Standards and General Plan Update Language;
? Task 5: CEQA Review;
? Task 6: Public Review and Adoption of Objective Development Standards and General Plan Update (includin...
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