File #: 14-103    Version: 1 Name: Intro to General Plan
Type: Presentation Status: Received
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 6/16/2014 Final action: 6/16/2014
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Overview of the General Plan, Housing Element and Community Engagement Strategy
Attachments: 1. San Leandro General Plan Final Outreach Strategy, 2. PowerPoint 3C Presentation 2014 0616 General Plan.pdf
Related files: 13-503, 14-018, 14-019, 15-351, 14-410, 16-457, 16-456, 16-455, 15-001, 15-002, 15-003, 15-321, 15-453, 15-545, 16-324, 16-341, 16-405
Overview of the General Plan, Housing Element and Community Engagement Strategy


This report is for information only. The City of San Leandro has embarked on an update of its General Plan, including the Housing Element. The existing General Plan was adopted in 2002 and had a horizon year of 2015. The new Plan will be adopted in late 2015 or early 2016, with a horizon year of 2035. The Housing Element will be updated concurrently, but its adoption will be expedited because of State deadlines.

The existing San Leandro General Plan includes seven "elements", covering the following topics: land use, transportation, housing, open space and conservation, environmental hazards, community design and preservation, and community services and facilities. Each element includes goals, policies, and actions guiding future City decisions on these topics. The Plan also includes a land use map indicating how growth will take place over the next two decades, and roughly 20 other maps expressing the City's policies on a range of physical development topics.

On March 3, 2014, the City Council approved an Agreement with Placeworks (formerly the Planning Center/DC&E) to complete the General Plan Update, which includes an update of the City's Housing Element. At the March 3rd meeting, the Council discussed the scope of work and requested the item come back to the Council for further discussion regarding community engagement and key long-range planning issues

Community Engagement Strategy

The project team is committed to engaging and empowering the public in the General Plan Update and achieving broad demographic and geographic representation. Much of the work completed since approval of the Consulting Services Agreement has focused on development of a Community Engagement Strategy. That Strategy includes the following components:

* A project website,, which includes information about the General Plan...

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