File #: 16-426    Version: 1 Name: SR Final GPU/FEIR_Aug 25 2016 PC Mtg
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 8/25/2016 Final action: 8/25/2016
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Public Hearing to Recommend Adoption of the 2035 General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report and Adoption of the 2035 General Plan to the San Leandro City Council
Attachments: 1. Exh A_Draft MMRP
Related files: 16-429, 16-430
Public Hearing to Recommend Adoption of the 2035 General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report and Adoption of the 2035 General Plan to the San Leandro City Council


The Planning Commission is considering tonight two resolutions related to the San Leandro 2035 General Plan Update. The first resolution (PC Resolution 2016-002) recommends certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) by the San Leandro City Council. The second resolution (PC Resolution 2016-003) recommends adoption of the San Leandro 2035 General Plan by the City Council. The vote on the second resolution has been segmented to comply with Fair Political Practices Commission rules regarding conflicts of interest for Commissioners with personal or business interests near areas where land use designation changes are proposed on the General Plan Map.

Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve both resolutions. Following the Planning Commission recommendations, the City Council is scheduled to consider the FEIR and General Plan at its September 19, 2016 meeting.


Every city and county in California is required to prepare a general plan guiding its future growth. State law requires that general plans include the following seven elements. San Leandro has merged the state-mandated Open Space and Conservation Elements into a single chapter called "Open Space, Parks, and Conservation" and has merged the Safety and Noise Elements into a single chapter called "Environmental Hazards.
> Land Use
> Transportation
> Housing
> Open Space
> Conservation
> Safety
> Noise

San Leandro has incorporated these elements and also added the following "optional" elements to its Plan.
> Economic Development
> Historic Preservation and Community Design
> Community Services and Facilities.

The Housing Element of the General Plan stands alone as a separate document, and is subject to review and certification by the State. It mus...

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