File #: 15-285    Version: 1 Name: RES Raimi + Associates CSA
Type: Resolution - Council Status: Passed
In control: City Council
Meeting Date: 5/18/2015 Final action: 5/18/2015
Enactment date: 5/18/2015 Enactment #: Reso 2015-098
Title: RESOLUTION Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with Raimi + Associates to Prepare the Bay Fair Transit Village Transit Oriented Development Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in a Form Approved by the City Attorney, in the Amount not to Exceed $500,000 ($440,000 from MTC planning grant, $15,000 from BART, $15,000 from Madison Marquette, and $30,000 from the City approved on December 1, 2014)
Attachments: 1. Bay Fair TOD CSA_Raimi + Assoc
Related files: 14-496, 14-497, 15-284, 15-487, 16-021, 16-020
RESOLUTION Approving a Consulting Services Agreement with Raimi + Associates to Prepare the Bay Fair Transit Village Transit Oriented Development Specific Plan and Environmental Impact Report and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Agreement in a Form Approved by the City Attorney, in the Amount not to Exceed $500,000 ($440,000 from MTC planning grant, $15,000 from BART, $15,000 from Madison Marquette, and $30,000 from the City approved on December 1, 2014)

WHEREAS, in May 2014, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission ("MTC") awarded the City of San Leandro (the "City") an MTC Priority Development Area ("PDA") Planning Grant ("PDA Grant") in the amount of $440,000 to prepare the Bay Fair Transit Village Transit-Oriented Development ("TOD") Specific Plan ("Specific Plan") and Environmental Impact Report (EIR); and

WHEREAS, MTC awarded the City the PDA Grant with the understanding that the City would contribute $30,000, and the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District ("BART") and Madison Marquette ("MM") would each contribute $15,000 in matching funds for a total matching amount of $60,000; and

WHEREAS, the City requires professional services of a qualified consultant to coordinate the community planning process, undertake outreach, and prepare the Bay Fair Transit Village TOD Specific Plan and the CEQA Environmental Impact Report ("Project"); and

WHEREAS, City staff solicited qualifications for consulting services and evaluated and reviewed responses and proposals from several consulting firms or consultants; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Government Code and other applicable laws, City staff carefully reviewed the qualifications and proposal of Raimi + Associates and determined that Raimi + Associates possesses the necessary quality, fitness, capacity, experience and expertise to provide the services sought by the City; and


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