File #: 15-453    Version: 1 Name: Gen Plan Study Session: Open Space, Parks, Conservation & Env Hazards
Type: Staff Report Status: Agenda Ready
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 7/16/2015 Final action:
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: General Plan Study Session on Open Space, Parks, Conservation, and Environmental Hazards Policies
Attachments: 1. Attachment A_Park-OS-Cons Policy Audit, 2. Attachment B_Env Hazards Policy Audit, 3. Open Space, Parks, Conservation and Environ Hazards PPT
Related files: 15-321, 15-351, 15-003, 15-002, 15-001, 13-503, 14-103, 14-018, 14-019, 16-341, 15-545, 16-324
General Plan Study Session on Open Space, Parks, Conservation, and Environmental Hazards Policies


This is an informational report only and no Planning Commission action is required. The City of San Leandro is in the process of updating its General Plan. Seven study sessions with the Planning Commission have been held to date. Previous General Plan study sessions have focused on the Housing Element, the Land Use Map, economic conditions, the City's long-range vision, and land use and transportation policies. The July 21 study session will focus on policies pertaining to open space, parks, and conservation; and environmental hazards, including noise.


As was noted at the previous (May 21) Study Session, the process now being undertaken is a General Plan Update, and not a brand new General Plan, as was prepared in 1998-2002. As such, the starting point for policy discussions is the existing General Plan (the 2002 Plan). The City has completed an audit of the policies and actions in the 2002 Plan to provide a baseline for the Update.

The 2002 San Leandro General Plan includes seven elements. One of these Elements-Housing-has already been updated and was adopted by the City Council in January 2015. Two of the Elements-Land Use and Transportation-were covered at the May 21 Planning Commission study session. The next two Elements (Open Space/Parks/Conservation & Environmental Hazards) will be covered at the July 16 study session. The final two Elements will be covered on September 17. The City is also adding an eighth element (covering Economic Development) as part of the Update.

Attachments "A" and "B" are the policy audits for the two elements to be discussed on July 16. Attachment A is the audit for Open Space, Parks, and Conservation. Attachment B is the audit for Environmental Hazards. The September study session will cover the Community Design and Preservation Element, and the Community Services...

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