File #: 15-321    Version: 1 Name: General Plan Study Session on Land Use and Transportation Policies
Type: Staff Report Status: Filed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 5/21/2015 Final action: 5/21/2015
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: General Plan Study Session on Land Use and Transportation Policies
Attachments: 1. Attachmt A - Land Use Policy Audit, 2. Attachmt B - Transportation Policy Audit, 3. Attachmt C- April 30 Community Mtg Summary
Related files: 15-003, 15-002, 15-001, 14-103, 13-503, 14-018, 14-019, 15-453, 15-351, 16-341, 15-545, 16-324
General Plan Study Session on Land Use and Transportation Policies

This is an informational report only and no Planning Commission action is required.
The City of San Leandro is in the process of updating its General Plan. Six study sessions with the Planning Commission have been held to date, and a briefing on economic development initiatives was provided on April 16, 2015. Previous General Plan study sessions have focused on the Housing Element, the Land Use Map, local economic conditions and forecasts, and the vision for San Leandro's future. The upcoming study sessions will focus on policy review and development, starting tonight with land use and transportation.
It is important to keep in mind that the process now being undertaken is a General Plan Update, and not a brand new General Plan (as was prepared in 1998-2002). As such, the starting point for most policy discussions is the existing General Plan (the 2002 Plan). The objective of this process is to move the time horizon of the 2002 Plan forward to 2035 and to incorporate up-to-date information about the city, recent forecasts for the future, and recommendations from recent plans and studies. The Update also provides an opportunity to respond to emerging issues and opportunities that were not present in 1998-2002.
Given this approach, an "audit" of the 2002 General Plan has been completed and each of its policies and actions has been systematically evaluated. Attachments "A" and "B" are the policy audits for land use and transportation, respectively. Future study sessions with the Planning Commission will focus on Conservation, Open Space, and Hazards (slated for July 16, 2015) and Community Design, Preservation, and Facilities/Services (tentatively scheduled for September 17, 2015).
The policy audits are formatted as spreadsheets, with existing goals, policies and actions from the 2002 Plan listed on each row. The final column of the sprea...

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