File #: 16-432    Version: 1 Name: PC Reso 16-005 Zoning Code Text Amendments
Type: Planning Commission Resolution Status: Passed
In control: Planning Commission
Meeting Date: 8/25/2016 Final action: 8/25/2016
Enactment date: 8/25/2016 Enactment #: Reso 2016-004 PC
Title: RESOLUTION 2016-005 of the Planning Commission, Recommending that the City Council Adopt an Ordinance Amending Zoning Code Article 3, Definitions; Article 6, Commercial and Professional Districts; Article 7, Industrial Districts; Article 16, Development Regulations; Article 18 Signs; Article 25 Site Plan Review to Bring the San Leandro Zoning Code into conformance with the City's General Plan 2035, and General Text Updates
Attachments: 1. Exhibit A Article 3 (Excerpt), 2. Exhibit B Article 6, 3. Exhibit C Article 7, 4. Exhibit D Article 16, 5. Exhibit E Article 18, 6. Exhibit F Article 25
Related files: 16-412


RESOLUTION 2016-005 of the Planning Commission, Recommending that the City Council Adopt an Ordinance Amending Zoning Code Article 3, Definitions; Article 6, Commercial and Professional Districts; Article 7, Industrial Districts; Article 16, Development Regulations; Article 18 Signs; Article 25 Site Plan Review to Bring the San Leandro Zoning Code into conformance with the City’s General Plan 2035, and General Text Updates



WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is considering a new General Plan, the 2035 General Plan, which states that “the San Leandro General Plan aspires to update zoning regulations for the DA- zones to ensure consistency with the updated General Plan Map and Land Use categories.  Furthermore, the 2035 General Plan envisions changes around the City’s BART stations, in its industrial districts, and along major arterials such as East 14th, recognizing existing patterns and accommodating a diverse mix of uses in the future”; and


WHEREAS, the 2035 General Plan would establish a new designation of Industrial Transition (IT) in the Land Use Chapter and Land Use Map, corresponding to “areas that have historically have been industrial but have transitioned or may transition in the future to a more diverse mix of uses, including general commercial activities”; and


WHEREAS, the following 2035 General Plan goals and policies would be implemented with the creation of the IT Industrial Transition zoning district use and development regulations: Policy 3.11 Conversion of Non-Residential Land; Goal LU-7 Sustain dynamic innovation districts; Policy LU-7.2 Adaptive Re-Use; Policy LU-7.3 Zoning Flexibility; Action LU-7.3.A. Zoning Review; Policy LU-7.9 Business Amenities; Policy LU-7.12 Alvarado from Marina to Thornton; Policy LU-8.12 Marina Boulevard; Policy LU-10.1 Zoning; Policy LU-10.3 Buffering; Action LU-10.3.C. Warehouse Conversion; Policy ED-1.3 Industrial Land Use Efficiency; Policy ED-2.3 Development Review and Permitting; Policy ED-3.1 Innovation Ecosystem; Policy ED-3.2 Business Infrastructure; Policy ED-3.3 Leading Edge Economic Sectors; Policy ED-3.5 Sustainable Manufactures; and Policy ED-4.7 Employee-Serving Retail; and


WHEREAS, the 2035 General Plan includes the land use designations of Downtown Mixed-Use, which allows “a range of uses…(including) retail shops, services, offices, cultural activities, public and civic uses, and similar and compatible uses, including upper story residential uses” and “allowable residential densities ranging from 24 to 100 units per net acre”; and Transit-Oriented Mixed Use, which “provides for a mix of high-intensity land uses that capitalize on proximity to the San Leandro BART station” and “specify minimum densities (generally 60 to 80 units per acre) and minimum floor area ratios”; and


WHEREAS, the following 2035 General Plan goals and policies would be implemented with the amendments to the DA use and development regulations: Goal LU-2 Preserve and enhance the district identities of San Leandro neighborhoods; Policy LU-2.7 Location of Future Multi-Family Development; Policy LU-2.8 Alterations, Additions, and Infill; Policy LU-2.9 Density Transitions; Goal LU-3 Provide housing opportunities and improve economic access to housing for all segments of the community; Policy LU-3.1 Mix of Unit Types; Policy LU-3.4 Promotion of Infill; Policy LU-3.5 Mixed Use on Transit Corridors; Goal LU-6 Foster the development of Downtown San Leandro as a vibrant pedestrian oriented destination; Policy LU-6.1 Downtown Plans; Action LU-6.1.C Downtown Zoning Changes; Action LU6.1.D. Minimum and Maximum Densities; Policy LU-6.3 Retail-Service Improvements; Action LU6.3.A. Removal of Zoning Constraints; Policy LU-6.2 Downtown Sub-Districts; Policy LU-6.4 Office Development; Policy 6.6 Downtown Housing Diversity; Policy LU-6.9 Urban Design; Action LU-6.9 Building Height; Policy LU-6.11 Coordination; Policy LU-6.13 BART Station Area Transit Village; Action LU-6.13.C. BART Area Housing; Policy LU-6.15 Conservation of Lower Density Downtown Areas; Action CD-6.3.A. Daylight Plane Regulations; Policy ED-1.8 Expand the Local Office Market; Goal ED-4 Create attractive, economically vibrant commercial areas; Policy ED-4.5 Downtown San Leandro; and


WHEREAS, the Planning Division has been tasked with preparing Zoning Code text amendments for consistency with the 2035 General Plan, and with periodic updates to the Zoning Code; and


WHEREAS, proposed amendments to the Zoning Code text are set forth in attached Exhibits A through F, incorporated herein by reference; and


WHEREAS, the City prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 2035 General Plan and related zoning amendments in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act; and


                     WHEREAS, between May 27 and July 25, 2016, staff held seven community meetings with Industrial Transition property owners, Downtown Area property owners, the San Leandro Improvement Association, the Downtown Association, the Chamber of Commerce, the Estudillo Estates Homeowners Association, and other interested parties to present the proposed amendments and receive public comments on the proposed zoning changes; and


WHEREAS, on June 16, 2016 the Planning Commission held a worksession to review and provide recommendations on the draft amendments and to receive public comments on the proposed changes.  The City Council held similar worksessions on July 5, 2016 and July 25, 2015; and


 WHEREAS, a staff report dated August 25, 2016 and incorporated herein by reference, described and analyzed the proposed Zoning Code text amendments for the Planning Commission; and


                     WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the staff report and the proposed Zoning Code amendments at a duly noticed public hearing on August 25, 2016, at which time all interested parties had the opportunity to be heard.  In addition to legally required notice, the City also sent courtesy notices to property owners affected by the amendments and other interested parties; and


WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution 2016-02 recommending City Council certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report, and adopted Resolution 2016-03 recommending City Council approval of the 2035 General Plan, which resolutions are incorporated herein by reference.


                     NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and made part of this resolution.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council adopt an ordinance to amend the Zoning Code text as shown in attached Exhibits A through F, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, based on the following findings:


                     1.                     The text amendments will bring the Zoning Code into consistency with the 2035 General Plan, as further explained in the August 25, 2016 staff report, and as required by Government Code section 65855 and sections 5-2708 and 5-2712 of the Zoning Code.


                     2.                     The text amendments are desirable to update the existing Zoning Code with respect to existing development.


PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of August, 2016 by the following vote:












                                                                                                                              Ed Hernandez,

                                                                                                                              Planning Commission Chairperson






Tom Liao,

Secretary to the Planning Commission